It Really Isn't About the Money

I recently received an email from one of our wonderful Lincoln Lutheran seniors. Their email signature included a quote from Warren Buffett which read, "Price is what you pay. Value is what you get." These words, shared by a man who has realized many successes in the eyes of the world, caused me to consider how they apply to our Warrior Community.


Price and value are two of the items that commonly surface when talking to families about their enrollment decision at Lincoln Lutheran. In my 15 years as a part of this ministry, I’ve certainly heard the words, “Lincoln Lutheran is too expensive and just not worth it.” As a Christian, I can and will respect an individual’s opinion, but would also respectfully disagree.

Unfortunately the world in which we live is driven by the “almighty dollar.” We develop and monitor budgets. We consult with financial planners. We pursue additional education in hopes of a higher paying job. We make decisions about purchasing cars and houses. The choices are endless, and yet they all have an impact on how we define our “financial reality.” The frustration as a Christian lies in the fact that it really isn’t “my money.” God simply calls me to prioritize how it is invested. There are only so many pieces of the pie to go around.

The cost to educate the average student at Lincoln Lutheran exceeds $7,000. The average cost per student in the public schools of our state exceeds $10,000. Education is by no means cheap.

“Price” is what families pay when they chose a school like Lincoln Lutheran.

The real question is, “What value do you get?”

The answer to this question is different for each family. Some families want “small.” Some desire “opportunity.” Some simply value “Christ.” I’ve benefitted from a new perspective on value this year as the father of a 6th grade daughter attending Lincoln Lutheran. I value knowing Kayla is surrounded by some great Christian friends with supportive families during one of the most influential times in her life. She has outstanding teachers who challenge her academically and model Christ to her every day. I get to watch her attend events in a gym or stadium filled with a greater Warrior Community committed to growing kids in Christ.

On this side of heaven we fall short of perfection to say the least. Lincoln Lutheran is not immune to this fact. I value the fact that when students or adults in our midst make mistakes, we can reflect Christ in the response. When we face challenges, we can invite wisdom from our Heavenly Father into the solution. When we make tough choices about education, we can filter those choices through the lens of the excellence to which we are called by God.

I have no greater responsibility as a father than to raise my daughter to love Jesus and be prepared to share Him with the world. The value of Lincoln Lutheran for my daughter is all about the little things. The small pieces of the puzzle that we too easily take for granted. These are the ingredients for a firm foundation in Christ which will last for Eternity. It is difficult to assign a true price to the Christ-centered education my child gets at Lincoln Lutheran. It really is “priceless.”

May we always remember, "Price is what you pay. Value is what you get."

Thank you for our partnership in the education of young people!!